Hi Molly! I really enjoyed reading your post! I liked how you mentioned using your personal learning network to find resources, take learning to the next level, and also make connections with other educators around the world. I found it interesting that you made the point about social media being intimidating. I agree that it is scary to think that a misrepresented post can damage your reputation. However, I also think it is important to consider the rewarding side of social media as well, which is why I like how you made the point about using social media in ways that can contribute positively to your digital identity! Also, I loved the graphic you found about why every teacher needs a PLN. I found it super interesting to look at and I will keep those points in mind for my future teaching journey!

Hi Helen! Great post about PLN’s and digital identities! I really like the point you made about professionals, or more specifically teachers, making sure to separate their personal and professional social media accounts. The example about your lab instructor reminds me of a lot of my personal experiences. In school and at work, a lot of teachers and employers make it clear to not request to be friends on Facebook until graduation or until finishing employment. This allows for people to ensure professionalism at work and school. It is definitely important to keep in mind, especially as I transition to my role as a teacher! I look forward to reading your posts in the future!